It is up to us to decide what our living memory should look like.
The choice of plants for EVERTREE funerals in urn graves
Important: We recommend that you purchase the grown plant for urn burial at a nursery near you. This way you can be sure that the plant is suitable for your area and prevent the risk of damage to the plant from deliveries.
The benefit of an EVERTREE burial in an urn grave is also that the choice of plants is very large. The plants can be provided by yourself or by your funeral director at your local nursery. This way you can also make sure that the plant is suitable for your region.
In addition to small trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers and ground covers can also be planted on an urn grave.
When choosing a plant for an EVERTREE interment, it is most important that it be an evergreen and what is known as a deep or taproot, as these plants have roots that grow deep into the earth and grow through the ashes in the biodegradable EVERTREE urn.
Cemeteries may specify in their bylaws which plants may be used. As a rule, however, the main stipulation is that other graves and paths must not be impaired. There is no common denominator for the growth height of the plants, which is why a look at the cemetery statutes of the respective cemetery is recommended before choosing the plant. You can read the cemetery statutes on the internet or you can ask the administration of your cemetery.