

We give your loved ones a home again.

Due to high demand, we are expanding our offer! Together with our great team from the Netherlands, Gerrit and Corinna Werkman, we would like to offer you the possibility of EVERTREE Home.
Gerrit and Corinna have been running EVERTREE Nederland with a lot of heart and dedication since 2021. Gerrit in particular is probably already known to many from our social media channels - be it from the trade fairs he attends with EVERTREE or from the lovingly handcrafted displays he builds.
On their property in the Netherlands, Gerrit and Corinna make their greenhouse available for EVERTREE trees. The ashes of the loved one are buried there together with the tree. Over a period of six months, the two take care of the growth of the young tree so that the ashes can grow into a living memory. These six months are the period of time our EVERTREE urns need to decompose completely.
During these six months, they document the growth of your EVERTREE with photos, which they will be happy to send you on request. This allows you to follow the growth of your living memory at any time.
As soon as the urn has decomposed after the six months, we will send you the tree so that you can plant it in your home, on your balcony or in your garden.
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It is important to us that the ashes, the urn and ultimately the growing tree always remain in the “EVERTREE family”. The close exchange with the relatives is of particular importance to us, because we want to accompany the mourning phase as sensitively and supportively as possible - especially during the time when the little tree is growing in a different place.
We hope that in the near future this type of burial and living memory can also be offered and implemented close to home at any location.
Ornament green
If you are interested in EVERTREE Home, please contact your funeral director or contact us directly to request an EVERTREE urn. We will take care of the arrangement and put you in touch with Gerrit and Corinna.
Ornament green

Choice of trees

Native trees

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European beech
Summer lime tree
Wild apple

Exotic Trees

On request.


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